This is just a little reminder that my show runs until February 2023, at Caricature Museum Krems, Austria.
Apropos, I will join Jericca Cleland, John Pomeroy, Aaron Blaise and Mattias Adolfsson (just to name a few) at CTN Expo 2022 (Burbank CA, Nov. 17-20), Master Trax programe and more.
I'll keep you posted ...
#floriansatzinger #karikaturmuseumkrems #kunstmeilekrems #exhibition #artshow #caricature #satire #originalart #museum #duckland
The captain is on the bridge
I never finished drawing this rough layout draft. I still enjoy looking at
#steampunkwillie #steampunkboat #mickeymouse #roughlayout #cockpit #bridge ...
3 hours ago