Talking of inspiration and influence, here's a sort of short list of some of my dearest wondergirls and wonderboys. Enjoy:
Clio Chiang (Clio acts on the brain, she's amazing)
Shannon Tidle (His works are drop-dead superb)
Jake Parker (I'm satisfied that he's a
Toby Skybuckle incarnate)
Ryan Wood (He's work/blog keeps me from work)
Shane Lewis (Well, he never ceases to amaze me)
Matt Williames (Simply brilliant)
John Nevarez (Well, it's John - he always puts us to shame)
Martin Wittig (You hinder me from work, too!!)
Oliver Kurth (The drinks are on me)
Ivan Oviedo (He's a brilliant animator)
Mel Milton (Well, it's Mel!)
David Coleman (A front two artist)
Francisco Herrera and
Humberto Ramos (Hey men!)
Stephen Silver (Silver Surfer!)
Thierry Martin (Just naturally ueber-talented)
Uli Meyer (Sir!)
Bobby Chiu (Sir!)
Lou Romano (Doctor!)
Rob Dunlavey (Ahead of the pack)
Kurtz And Friends (Style!)
Alex Madrigal (Strong)
To be continued. This is certainly not the end of the list. By the by: Many of "my others" you can find in my links to the right. As
Jason ... and
Flaviano and
Federico and
Sebastien ... oh boy, I shouldn't have started this...