COAT OF SMILES, parody art of iconic symbols. A duck's hat, a mouse's ears and a smiling yellow button. Three iconic things brought together in one artwork.
The PAPERWALKER Journal is the personal weblog of DUCKLAND creator and award-winning character designer Florian Satzinger – who worked on characters such as Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Looney Tunes (Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny, Silvester etc.), Pinky And The Brain, A.J.Hogg and Scooby-Doo, for studios such as Warner Bros., Disney, ReelFX and Zanuck Family Entertainment – in which he shares bits and pieces of his character design work, processes, visual development, inspirations and reference materials of current, past and future projects.
©2024 by Florian Satzinger. World rights reserved. | 104,7M VIEWS | Instagram | Page | Bēhance

PLEASE NOTE, the displayed parody artworks of classical cartoon characters are not copies but distinct satiric imitations/caricatures, by exaggerating and transforming the original characters and their related indica (see 'Coat of Smiles') in a way that creates new originals and new meanings, different from the intentions of the originals.

All reference/inspiration material here (i.e. all material not originated by the author of this blog) is solely the property of their respective owners, the use here does not imply that you may use the material for any purpose other than for a similar parodistic, informational or inspirational use. This blog journal is basically dedicated to inspire professional animation artists, animation students and everyone who is interested in the animation art form to use their talents. If you find any content here that belongs to you and you want it down or has not been properly attributed, please contact 'hello[at]paperwalker[dot]com', thank you.

Connect with Florian Satzinger: follow us in feedly

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Three Further Gems by Chuck Jones, ... a beautiful children's book illustration by my all-time favorite artist Jos Danilowatz (1877-1945), showing the square in front of Vienna's State Opera in the mid 1920s and the city's traffic situation from that period. It could easily be a production layout from Disney's 101 Dalmatians, couldn't it?
C. Jones artwork via Chuck Redux. Courtesy of Warner Bros. World rights reserved.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Study Your Heros

The animated TV series 'Signor Rossi' was one of my favorite shows when I was a kid. Well, it still is.
Signor Rossi © by Bruno Bozzetto. World rights reserved.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Few More Pieces From My Old Sketchbook

These pieces here are about 4 or 5 years old.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday Morning Stunner

Star Trek masks, brought to you by Kelloggs (1971). Look at that bad guy stereotype (Klingon), creepy!
Via Drew's Grooveland

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Modern Communication

Epic Jones, Epic

I could eat that stuff. Here's btw the link to the related animated short: The Abominable Snow Rabbit (1961)
And this here below is a Bugs Bunny Show layout drawing from 1960.
Images via Chuck Redux. Courtesy of Warner Bros. World rights reserved.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Even More Chuck Jones Beauties

Images via Chuck Redux. Courtesy of Warner Bros. World rights reserved.

Daffy Duck, Graphite On Paper

Look at these beauties I found posted over at Chuck Redux.
Images courtesy of Warner Bros. World rights reserved.


Just smashingly beautiful. 'Love everything about its design.
via kateoplis

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Magic Milton Kahl Pencil Test From The Early 1960s

One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961), Roger & Anita Pencil Test from Living Lines Library on Vimeo.

Roger's Dance (Sequence 2., Scene 91.) animated by the great Milton Kahl

(Source: Michael Sporn Animation, Inc.:

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

d(uck)Phone App

This is a sheet out of a bunch of rough concept sketches for a mobile communication campaign.
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Friday, May 11, 2012


Have a nice weekend, everyone!
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Monday, May 07, 2012

I never thought about how many teeth alligators have. Until today. An aduld one has 75 to 80 teeth on those two jaws, nice. Thanks Google.
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Sunday, May 06, 2012

Strange Toys From The Past

Creepy, isn't it?

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Wouter Tulp

Interesting thoughts on experimenting by fellow artist Wouter over at The Art Center, check it out!
Image © Wouter Tulp. All rights reserved.

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