COAT OF SMILES, parody art of iconic symbols. A duck's hat, a mouse's ears and a smiling yellow button. Three iconic things brought together in one artwork.
The PAPERWALKER Journal is the personal weblog of DUCKLAND creator and award-winning character designer Florian Satzinger – who worked on characters such as Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Looney Tunes (Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny, Silvester etc.), Pinky And The Brain, A.J.Hogg and Scooby-Doo, for studios such as Warner Bros., Disney, ReelFX and Zanuck Family Entertainment – in which he shares bits and pieces of his character design work, processes, visual development, inspirations and reference materials of current, past and future projects.
©2024 by Florian Satzinger. World rights reserved. | 104,7M VIEWS | Instagram | Page | Bēhance

PLEASE NOTE, the displayed parody artworks of classical cartoon characters are not copies but distinct satiric imitations/caricatures, by exaggerating and transforming the original characters and their related indica (see 'Coat of Smiles') in a way that creates new originals and new meanings, different from the intentions of the originals.

All reference/inspiration material here (i.e. all material not originated by the author of this blog) is solely the property of their respective owners, the use here does not imply that you may use the material for any purpose other than for a similar parodistic, informational or inspirational use. This blog journal is basically dedicated to inspire professional animation artists, animation students and everyone who is interested in the animation art form to use their talents. If you find any content here that belongs to you and you want it down or has not been properly attributed, please contact 'hello[at]paperwalker[dot]com', thank you.

Connect with Florian Satzinger: follow us in feedly

Friday, December 13, 2019

Please meet Captain Cardboard

Cardboard boxes, my childhood's creativity gears.

"Cardboard is a generic term for heavy-duty paper-based products having greater thickness and superior durability or other specific mechanical attributes to paper; such as foldability, rigidity and impact resistance." (Wikipedia)

Thursday, December 12, 2019

It's a wrap!

Enough with the duck-taped things, now. This is the last one, promise.

Sunday, December 08, 2019

Nine Postings, Over One Million People

Wow, these are my top nine 2019 on Instagram, sorted by reach. Totalled up, these nine little postings alone reached more than one million people. That's smashingly crazy and flattering, many thanks for stopping by my little Duckland here and over at IG, I highly appreciate that. Cheers!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Friday, September 20, 2019

Ducks and Cameras

The past days, I had a film crew in the house. Here are a few behind the scenes shots from the filming.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Bragging Tuesday

Bragging Tuesday: In 2015, Luca Chiarotti made me an amazing gift, an original animation drawing from the 1970s 'Vicky The Viking' production (Season 3, Episode 4, 'Vicky and the Horse').