The New Yorker celebrated its 100th birthday on February 17th. And with it the magazine's own iconic fictional character Eustace Tilley, drawn by Rea Irvin. This drawing is one of many attempts by me to portray this character, or rather, to cite certain elements of him, in my own very own way. I wasn't quite finished with this drawing, but I just left it unfinished, on purpose. I like the scratchy nature of it. Anyway, New York cartoonist Jason Chatfield wrote a wonderful article the day before yesterday about the anniversary of this unique magazine. His text also contains a comment on my Tilley mash-ups, which of course made me very happy and makes me a little part of this special anniversary: Jason Chatfield
#eustacetilley #thenewyorker #jasonchatfield
Vehicle design at BAE Paris
Here is a small excerpt from the live demos that I did at BAE Paris. As you
can clearly see, André Franquin is somehow in every one of these lines. I
1 hour ago