This warm and very fuzzy all-CG effort from directing duo Kyra & Constantin at Passion Animation Studios was produced through agency Jung von Matt/DONAU for Austrian financial services provider Erste Group Bank AG.
Kyra Buschor and Constantin Paeplow joined forces while studying Animation at the world-renowned Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in Germany, and have since mastered the art of creating imaginative animal (or animal-like) characters that have come to distinguish the pair’s very distinct style. Their personal project Rollin’ Wild, in which they devised a series of bloated wild animals in their natural environments, became a YouTube sensation, and they have gone on to create commercial spots that draw people in with equally endearing characters for Genius, Anchor and Motorola. (via
Passion Pictures)
Erste Group 'First Christmas' from Passion Animation Studios on Vimeo.
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