COAT OF SMILES, parody art of iconic symbols. A duck's hat, a mouse's ears and a smiling yellow button. Three iconic things brought together in one artwork.
The PAPERWALKER Journal is the personal weblog of DUCKLAND creator and award-winning character designer Florian Satzinger – who worked on characters such as Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Looney Tunes (Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny, Silvester etc.), Pinky And The Brain, A.J.Hogg and Scooby-Doo, for studios such as Warner Bros., Disney, ReelFX and Zanuck Family Entertainment – in which he shares bits and pieces of his character design work, processes, visual development, inspirations and reference materials of current, past and future projects.
©2024 by Florian Satzinger. World rights reserved. | 104,7M VIEWS | Instagram | Page | Bēhance

PLEASE NOTE, the displayed parody artworks of classical cartoon characters are not copies but distinct satiric imitations/caricatures, by exaggerating and transforming the original characters and their related indica (see 'Coat of Smiles') in a way that creates new originals and new meanings, different from the intentions of the originals.

All reference/inspiration material here (i.e. all material not originated by the author of this blog) is solely the property of their respective owners, the use here does not imply that you may use the material for any purpose other than for a similar parodistic, informational or inspirational use. This blog journal is basically dedicated to inspire professional animation artists, animation students and everyone who is interested in the animation art form to use their talents. If you find any content here that belongs to you and you want it down or has not been properly attributed, please contact 'hello[at]paperwalker[dot]com', thank you.

Connect with Florian Satzinger: follow us in feedly

Monday, September 07, 2009

Bearish Bird

Or it's a birdish bear, it's a critter with a pecker? Anyway, it's a candidate for inclusion in "Birds & Pencils"!

Colour palette

Photo: Wikimedia

Images ©2009 by Satzinger & Hardenberg. World rights reserved.

Sorry for being away for a while! Big thanks to everyone who's viewed and commented on my sketches and things!


  1. Gross. Geile Farben. Echt schön.

  2. Came across your blog recently and ended up browsing through each and every artwork of yours. Really amazing stuff... Instant fan and follower. Great designs! :)

  3. Love the design. I can't help but find inspiration from your work. Thanks for sharing. So gonna paint now.

    -carl - sketchblog

  4. So amazing ! And I love it !
    Je cherchais un sketchbook de vos travaux, mais il ne semble pas en exister...

  5. Joern, vielen Dank, rote Johannisbeeren haben mich auf die Farben gebracht :o)

    Sinu, many thanks for your kind comment!

    Kalonji! CHEERS!

    Carl, great! :)

    Ideo, THANK YOU!! :o)

  6. REaly nice again ..!!!
    Love that work on colors..!
    I learn.. I learn

  7. Loving the looseness and energy in each design. Can't wait for the next one and when is this book coming out!

  8. Thanks for showing your color process. The concept art at the bottom is great...and the raw color palette next to the berries all make for a great series of illustrations.

  9. I like it Florian , i hope you can finish it some day.
    .I would like see it!

  10. Amazing, Florian, as always.
    I have a question: Was the character originally supposed to be the "A" in "READ"? The last sketch seems to suggest that :D

    Cheers, my friend!

  11. Your crawings make me happy, so hope it's ok that I use some off them as background on my computer? Keeps my spirits up all day long :)

    Keep up the amazing work, I will be watching :D

  12. Ops... it should say DRAWINGS in my comment...

  13. read or red?! magic, sure !!
