Update: Check out what
Matt Cruickshank is cooking over at his subsidiary blog
"Philip & The Stove". There looms something great...
(Image © Matt Cruickshank. World rights reserved.)----

From February 25th - 27th 2010 I will giving workshops and presentations designed for theoretical and practical aspects of character design (according to custom, together with the brilliant Maryam Laura Moazedi) at the
Ars Electronica Centre in Linz. Besides that, the centre will host an exhibition of my works from February 25th - March 20th 2010.

Btw, this drawing is done 100% electronically in order to meet the standard of this very location ;-) Additionally, I recorded the rough sketching process of this piece. It's a rather short clip again, I hope you'll like it.
Paperwalker TV, Episode 4, "Fat Lines":

Concerning the colour palette: I picked the colours for my motor critter from the title sujet or rather the videowall screensaver of last year's Ars Electronica Festival:
ARS Electronica Linz Screensaver from Freedom Of Creation on Vimeo.