COAT OF SMILES, parody art of iconic symbols. A duck's hat, a mouse's ears and a smiling yellow button. Three iconic things brought together in one artwork.
The PAPERWALKER Journal is the personal weblog of DUCKLAND creator and award-winning character designer Florian Satzinger – who worked on characters such as Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Looney Tunes (Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny, Silvester etc.), Pinky And The Brain, A.J.Hogg and Scooby-Doo, for studios such as Warner Bros., Disney, ReelFX and Zanuck Family Entertainment – in which he shares bits and pieces of his character design work, processes, visual development, inspirations and reference materials of current, past and future projects.
©2024 by Florian Satzinger. World rights reserved. | 104,7M VIEWS | Instagram | Page | Bēhance

PLEASE NOTE, the displayed parody artworks of classical cartoon characters are not copies but distinct satiric imitations/caricatures, by exaggerating and transforming the original characters and their related indica (see 'Coat of Smiles') in a way that creates new originals and new meanings, different from the intentions of the originals.

All reference/inspiration material here (i.e. all material not originated by the author of this blog) is solely the property of their respective owners, the use here does not imply that you may use the material for any purpose other than for a similar parodistic, informational or inspirational use. This blog journal is basically dedicated to inspire professional animation artists, animation students and everyone who is interested in the animation art form to use their talents. If you find any content here that belongs to you and you want it down or has not been properly attributed, please contact 'hello[at]paperwalker[dot]com', thank you.

Connect with Florian Satzinger: follow us in feedly

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Ducktators (1942)

The image of the Japanese duck in this film is obnoxious racist (buck teeth and thick eye-glasses), very, very much of course. I'm posting this here just as an example for animated war-time propaganda short films from that very era.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Throwback Thursday

Very rough concept thingy from my Red Bull days.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Seagull vs Crabs [Updated]

Lovely character design and animation on this. It reminds a wee bit of the "Take The Bus" clips but anyway, it's a brilliantly designed piece of animation, no doubt.

UPDATE: It definitely is one of the Take The Bus/Travel In Groups clips! Please find here below all four clips. Wait for the one with the seagull, it's the last one.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Luna Gans (Moon Goose)

Waterfowl-shaped battle machine model kit. (via Amunt/thanks Laura)

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Smack My A*** And Call Me Sally!

Paperwalker crossed 18 Million content views by June 6th 2014. Today's things are already at 18,208,517. Smashing!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Paperwalker Journal's Most Favourite Reference Photos, Part 2

© Harold Feinstein (Images via/full article: Rfotofolio)

Monday, June 16, 2014

Paperwalker Journal's Most Favourite Reference Photos, Part 1

Today, I'm going to start - say, once or twice a week - posting my most favourite photographs from my references collection. I open this very game with Elliot Erwitt:

Sunday, June 15, 2014

References Photos: Tamara And Woody Allen

These are stellar shots! And great references for John Starduck. I sort of crashed into photo-reference heaven. (Photos by Bruce Laurance, 1971; via Aphelis)

Chicago 1965: Man Holding Duck

Vivian Maier (1926-2009) was a street photographer in Chicago, New York and outside the U.S. Her photographs were kept private until an auction in 2007 where about 100.000 negatives were auctioned (via).

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Warm-Up Sketching

I'm a big fan of the design of Johammer's Electric Motorcycle; and what is more, it's a great warm-up sketch prop, too.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Today's Inspiration, Part II

Helnwein and Mickey. This very photograph shows beautifully the size of the canvas as compared to the artist.

What's The Fuss About Copyrighted Ducks?

Apropos Donald Duck, here's a beautiful and rare duck sketch I just came across, by the good duck artist Carl Barks.

Image via Nate D. Sanders

Monday, June 09, 2014

Donald Duck Turns 80, Today

DD by Gottfried Helnwein ("American Prayer", 2000).

Below: Gottfried Helnwein and Carl Barks, 1992.

Images via

Friday, June 06, 2014


Many thanks for the kind birthday wishes and drawings, today; which were - and still are - coming from all quarters and corners of this very planet. Many, many thanks!

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Monday, June 02, 2014

Erich Sokol: Preliminary Sketch And Final Version

This piece here delivers an old boy's sad joke but the artwork is brilliant. (images via David Apatoff)