Yesterday evening, I had a very bad computer crash. This gets on my nerves. This costs time which in turn costs money. I'll be back on the blog not before next week. Thank heavens we back up here everything 3 times, and back up the back up, twice. Just wish me luck for installing the new machine...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
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very sorry to hear that.. and thnx for reminding me to backup my stuff!
ReplyDeleteHope u will get all the stuff. Any way, best of luck.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about your computer but you work is outstanding! Very appealing, lively and unique something rare to find these days. Thanks for the inspiration.
ReplyDeleteim very happy to hear that you have been backing up your work and cant wait for the books! good luck and keep on pumping out that beautiful work!
ReplyDeleteVery beautiful illustrations!
Good luck, about the computer!
I'm really sorry to read about the crash. The good part is the back-up of the back-up :D
ReplyDeleteVery good. I hope you can come back soon.