BTW: I'm featured in the August 2008 issue of the ImagineFX magazine, as I noticed today. Together with some brill wizards like Gabriele Pennacchioli (DreamWorks), Colin Fix (2K Games) et al. I think I'm in good company :)

BTW: I'm featured in the August 2008 issue of the ImagineFX magazine, as I noticed today. Together with some brill wizards like Gabriele Pennacchioli (DreamWorks), Colin Fix (2K Games) et al. I think I'm in good company :)
By the by and because Richard was asking recently: for those duckish skyriders I didn't any research but I guess I was quite inspired by the Red Bull Flugtag events.
Oh, I forgot to mention that this very off-hand critter scrambled out of my sketchbook and then right out of the window. He must be still somewhere there on that clocktower of Gare de Lyon.
BTW: I did a lot of design 'n development work for Red Bull over the past two years and it seems that even my ducks can't let off :)
Apropos everybody's favourite frustrated fowl, here are some early test bits (ca. 2019/2020) from a yet untitled DD project by writer De...